presentation training
my belief anyone can learn to present. Anyone.
Good content is at the core of every presentation. So it will require some serious thinking about what you’re going to say. If you want your listeners to go away with at least a grasp of the main message, you need to know what makes them tick. We have a look at well-tried techniques to collect and select material.
A thought-out structure helps the audience follow your talk, so we’ll look at various ways of structuring your material. But you’ll be needing more than facts and figures because values and decisions are often story driven. That’s why sprinkling a dash of story elements into your talk can be a good idea. Connecting with both the thinking and feeling parts of the brain makes your message stick better.
compelling visuals
Our brain processes images faster than text, therefore a presentation must be visually strong as well as clear. You learn about key design principles, about the difference between visual and verbal cues and how to avoid your audience suffer from slide fatigue. And why not experiment with the ‘low tech – high impact’ principle for a bit?
delivery & style
How do you turn information into inspiration? By using your body and voice. Does your audience see your conviction? Does it hear your commitment? You’ll learn voice projection, how to overcome bad habits and at the same time keep your authenticity and personality. And what are good techniques for tackling tension?